Zaštitimo Livanjsko polje!



I love nature in BiH

(HARELBEKE, 2017-11-10)


This nature is so special that it needs to be protected!

(Harelbeke, 2017-11-10)


Zbog frustracije.

(Čapljina, 2017-11-10)


Prirodna bogatstva bi bilo najnormalnije sacuvati i njegovati bez ikakvih potreba potpisivanja peticija. Ali nazalost..

(Rijeka, 2017-11-10)


Sevap je

(Banja Luka, 2017-11-10)


Zato što je to jedan od prioriteta za zaštitu prirode na Balkanskom poluostrvu!

(Novi Sad, 2017-11-10)


To je u interesu cijelig drustva.

(Sarajevo, 2017-11-11)


..jer je Livanjsko polje bitno!!!

(Zagreb, 2017-11-11)


I'm signing becouse Livanjsko polje is an unique area of autstanding natural beauty and becouse of it's biodiversity. It is very important to prevent any further activities in Livanjsko polje which can lead to loosing habitats and reduction in biodiversity.

(Fojnica, 2017-11-11)


I am signing because the natural resources and their benefits to the humanity are invaluable! ...we must protect it before this richness disappears

(Sarajevo, 2017-11-11)



(Sarajevo, 2017-11-11)


Jer me se tice.

(Sarajevo, 2017-11-11)


Zato sto mi je stalo da se zastite ptice

(Tuzla, BIH, 2017-11-11)


...volim i poštujem značaj prirode i životinja...

(Visoko, 2017-11-11)


I'm signing this petition because I consider this site as one of the most valuable biodiversity areas in the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in regard of nesting of several extremely rare bird species in B&H.

(Banja Luka, 2017-11-12)


Ne smijemo ugušit prirodu

(Slavonski brod, 2017-11-12)